To get your website live, you need to compare web hosting vs cloud hosting. These are the main options that you have to host your website. The choice that you make typically depends on your needs. For a start, you can comfortably use shared hosting. However, as your business grows, you have no choice but to go for the dedicated servers that cloud hosting provides. This article basically looks at the comparison between these two hosting services to help you make an informed decision. 


What Is Web Hosting?

What Is Web Hosting

Web hosting is a solution that entails the storage of your files on a server. With web hosting, it becomes possible to display your website each time the user requests to visit your domain name. Traditionally, there are two forms of web hosting; dedicated and virtual. 

When it comes to virtual web hosting, the company that is hosting your website purchases a particular amount of space on the server. The rule goes that several web resources use the available server resources simultaneously. 

On the other hand, dedicated hosting assumes that the owner of the website pays for full control over one or multiple servers. What this means is that you will not be sharing these resources with the other website. The cost of dedicated servers is higher and you also need special services. It is an option that is justified for some companies. However, shared hosting remains to be the most common option in the marketplace. 

What Is Cloud Hosting?

What Is Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting is basically storage that is situated in the virtual space. You will not pay for a fixed space on the server but you will only pay for the resources that you are using currently. Most people prefer cloud hosting to web hosting that has been around for so many years and has a long list of users. Here are some tips on how to choose the best cloud or web hosting service. 

How To Choose The Best For You

Cloud Hosting vs Shared hosting

According to Berry Adam, the digital director at Wingard Creative, great hosting narrows down to 3 S’s: security, support, and speed. Simon Nasdaq’s Ball, Nasdaq Corporate Solutions’ head of digital media services added on scalability as the other critical element. You should have the ability to rapidly scale the website as your target audience continues to grow. The other thing that you need is the resilience of handling sudden bursts of high traffic. 

Hosting services come in a broad array of prices that range from a few dollars per month to even thousands of dollars every month. If you have a small startup business, you will not fail to get an affordable web hosting service. This helps you to understand the difference between web hosting vs cloud hosting. 

1. Level Of Hand-Holding

cloud hosting vs wordpress hosting

The first thing that you need to look at is the level of control that you require. Basic customer service needs access to phone support, ticket, and email. However, the turnaround of these requests varies from one company to another. The challenge of non-managed services is that vendors may respond to your queries but this will not be your system manager.

If your priority is completely delegating the management of your website, you may need to go for managed services. Those who offer managed services will ensure that your system is properly configured for the load, closely monitor security issues, properly patch your software, and help in managing backups among other tasks. 

2. Estimate The Expected Amount Of Traffic

Best Web Hosting

You need to be honest with yourself as you make this estimation. The hosting providers normally charge based on the usage of bandwidth and storage. Bandwidth measures the number of bytes you serve over a certain period. If you are only expecting a few people to visit your website, the bandwidth will below. However, if you feature at the top of Google pages or you have products that go viral, you need to expect a surgeon your bandwidth needs. 

Once you are honest with yourself, you significantly reduce the level of risk. For instance, if you will be serving a few pages for your few local clients, you won’t run afoul of any limits. However, if you are building a website that may stress the low-end shared servers, you need to choose a cloud-based or dedicated server. That is why you need a clear understanding of cloud hosting vs web hosting to make a choice. 

3. Understand Server Types

Web Hosting Server

Shared servers tend to offer the cheapest hosting because one box runs hundreds of servers. Your site performance depends on the load that the various websites put on the host. The shared hosting also limits the level of access that you have to the capabilities of the server. It generally limits users to upload files through SFTP or FTP, prevents shell access, restricts the programs that you can run on the service, and limit the level of database access that your website can perform.

The other tier up is the virtual private server (VPS) which is a complete instance of a virtual machine or a simulated computer that runs a box. Hosting providers normally run several VPS instances on a single box. However, it has better performance than the base-level shared services. When using a VPS, you need to be familiar with basic server management and maintenance. 

If you don’t wish to share performance with the other websites, go for a dedicated server because it has a physical box that will not be rented for you. It is just like having a server that sits behind your desk except that it is located in the data center of the provider. 

Cloud servers also tend to be a better choice. They normally run gigantic public clouds such as Microsoft Azure or Amazon Web Services. Service providers will build configurations that perfectly suit the requirements of their customers. The primary benefit of cloud servers is that they have the ability to scale seamlessly. If you wish to have the ability to handle a big traffic surge, all you need to do is pay more money to the provider. That is why you need a clear understanding of the cloud vs web hosting debate. 

4. Be Wary Of The Unlimited Offers

Some of the hosting service providers offer unlimited bandwidth and storage for a few dollars every month. In most cases, the deal is not what it appears to be. If you pay 3 bucks monthly for the hosting, you will find something in the terms of service that enables the provider to shut you down or throttle your performance after a particular level of use.

5. Choosing A Portable Content Management System Avoids Lock-In

Portable Content Management System

Most hosts are very good but things tend to change over time. Technology, acquisitions, and management changes may alter your website hosting plans. Make sure your website is not locked in any of the hosts and that you have the best backup plan in place.

Some people tend to use open-source content management systems for their business. If you understand cloud hosting vs WordPress hosting, you can use WordPress to add on PHP because it can basically run on anything. Do regular site backups and updates so that you have access to the date, structure, and media of your site. With this approach, you will only require to load your backup of the service of another provider and then point your domain name to that particular provider.

6. Own A Domain Name

The general advice is that all fledgling businesses should own their own domain names. You have to make sure that you are the owner of the domain. With this, you can change providers as you wish and own the earned SEO benefits that come with owning your domain name. 

7. Key Differences

Traditional web hosting and cloud hosting are significantly different from one another. Each of them has several benefits and the best options depend on your needs. This web hosting vs cloud hosting review looks at the distinctive features of the species. The knowledge will help you to understand the one that is good for a specific variety. Here are some of the key differences between cloud hosting vs web hosting.

8. Control

Web hosting offers limited power and space. To add to this, it can also be offered to a single or multiple clients. Most websites prefer shared hosting in the initial stages because it is more economical. Besides, the companies that provide these services are responsible for security, support, and management. It removes some of the work from the website owner and you don’t need to have deep knowledge in this area. Cloud hosting comprises so many virtualized, synchronized servers that enable a balanced load.

As you develop a website, note that several factors determine its effectiveness in existence. You should carefully think about the convenience, appearance, USP, and concept. There should not be room for errors as this will have adverse effects on the trust and reputation of the resource. You should carefully think about every step and also use spell checking and proofreading services. It will help you in creating a positive image and becoming better. 

9. Resources


Most companies that provide web hosting solutions also provide additional services to their users. It can include free domain registration, automatic backups, and many allows novice internet entrepreneurs to receive the required additions to the website quickly and launch the web resource soonest. 

Cloud access offers customers root access to the control panel and offers assistance whenever disaster recoveries are required. In case there are any errors, you will switch to another server and then continue with your work. 

10. Scalability


You will discover that you need to scale over time. There are two options on the outcome of events when you use traditional hosting when there aren’t sufficient resources. You will be changing your service provider or plan. Scaling doesn’t call for a server restart and you can do this at any time.

Resource distribution is carried out as quickly as possible and you will not have to wait as is the case with web hosting. The flexible payment system makes sure that you don’t overpay by freeing up unnecessary space. In the end, most companies that choose the web hosting service to overpay for the unused resources.

In cloud hosting, it is possible to connect any extra resources that you require which can either be network bandwidth or RAM. It will only take you a few clicks to do so. The owner of the website decides on the number of resources that he needs at any time and only pays for what he actually uses. 

For instance, your website could be having stable traffic, but after launching an advertisement campaign, you receive great responses and the number of visitors increases dramatically. You can respond to the load with immediate effect and avoid any failures in your cloud hosting.

In some cases, predicting rapid growth can be hard and you don’t want to lose part of your users because of server failure. In such a case, cloud hosting is ideal because it solves this issue completely. Poor page loading can significantly reduce revenue. The loss ratio, according to data, is up to 1 percent for each 100 ms of delay in the load time. On the other hand, fast-loading pages tend to increase the conversion by approximately 16.5%.

11. Security


A reliable web hosting service provider will protect your website against malicious activities. You will be protected against data hacking and hence clients will be able to store their confidential information securely. Security measures include scanning of programs for viruses automatically, various plug-ins, SSL certificates, and protection against viruses and spam.

Even though the traditional web hosting providers are highly reliable, the cloud hosting options tend to bypass them in several ways. It is one of the safest ways to store your data. You can complement the above security measure by looking at the ability to install advanced monitoring systems and web application firewalls.

12. Pricing Comparison

Pricing Comparison

The cost of web hosting vs cloud hosting tends to vary from one provider to another. However, when you buy traditional web hosting, you will pay for fixed resources. When it comes to cloud hosting, you will only be paying for the resources that you have consumed. The most profitable option between cloud hosting vs web hosting also depends on your unique needs.


Web hosting vs cloud hosting, which one is the best option? The answer to this question basically depends on your needs. In case you are planning a steady growth with no tariff plans or fast jerks, the most ideal option is the web hosting provider. However, if you wish to grow dynamically as you gain flexibility, the best choice for you will be cloud hosting. Study the offers that various companies have and compare them with your own needs before choosing the best type of hosting for you. 

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Mashum Mollah is the founder at ‘Blogstellar’. He is a passionate blogger by heart and an entrepreneur by profession. He is on a mission to help people passionate about blogging transform their passion into full-time businesses. And they call him "Blogging Engineer". Follow him on Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.

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