It is good to look for the best WordPress database plugins that the market offers when shopping. However, you cannot achieve this goal unless you have some basic knowledge of how WordPress works. 

The WordPress platform stores all the information for your website in the MySQL database. It does not matter whether you are dealing with comments, settings, pages, or even posts. There are few ways of accessing, managing, and even backing up this data. 

For instance, you can use the phpMyAdmin tool to run queries on your website. You may also create a backup for the MySQL database directly from the Hostinger control panel. However, the market has so many WordPress database plugins that can help you to achieve your objective. 

The secret is to make sure that you are choosing the best WordPress Searchable Database Plugins. It is an excellent way to maximize the benefits that you get from your website. 


Best WordPress Database Plugins

WordPress Database Plugin
Free/PremiumRating out of 5 View Demo
VaultpressFree/$394.8Click here
Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions
Free4.5Click here
Free4.3Click here
Backup and Restore WordPress
Free/$794.7Click here
WP-OptimizeFree4.6Click here
Advanced Database cleanerFree/$294.3Click here
Participants databaseFree4.5Click here
BackWPupFree/$694.8Click here
Contact Form 7 Database Addon
Free4.9Click here
User Login History
Free/$844.7Click here

1. VaultPress

Vaultpress database pluginThe Vaultpress database plugin was created by the founder of WordPress himself. You can have peace of mind because this plugin keeps in mind all the best practices. It is one of the tools that will not fail you when looking for the best WordPress Database plugins in the market. 

The top attribute of VaultPress is that it runs plugins on a real-time basis. Therefore, it can save all the changes that you make on your WordPress site. The tool also performs automated daily backups and sends all the results to the computer of the user. You will rarely come across another tool that meets these beautiful criteria. 

One thing most people don’t know is that the basic version of Vaultpress isn’t free. Users get additional features such as Google Analytics Integration, ad revenue generation, and ad-free video hosting for the professional or premium plan. The standout feature in this plugin is its backup. 

VaultPress is among the most powerful and popular plugins that will give your website maximum security. It will protect you against risks such as user errors, exploits, malware, host failures, viruses, and hackers, among others. 

The tool also gives agencies, professionals, and individuals’ security features. Vaultpress offers restores and backups, spam defense, automated file repair file scanning, and site migration. 

This plugin has so much for WordPress users because it provides a daily backup of your website. Setting up this plugin is quite easy, and it will give the users all the control they need. It utilizes cloud services in backing up websites for everyday use. 

You will get all these services at a small monthly fee. The only challenge is that the cost is recurring. However, it stands out as the best WordPress database plugin for most WordPress users. 

Features of VaultPress

  • Prevents spam from harming your website 
  • Browser the whole history and instantly downloads database, and uploads plugins and themes 
  • Scans the entire website 
  • Supported by experts from WordPress 
  • Up to date backup of the database 
  • Monitors activity on your website in real-time 
  • One-click automation restoration 
  • Comprehensive security scanning, database cleaning, and synching 
  • WordPress optimized backups 
  • Reviews vulnerabilities and fixes them 
  • FTP/SSH information 
  • Easy website migration 
  • 30-day backup archive 
  • Reviewing threats and suspicious codes 
  • Single-click to restore any backup 

2. Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions

best WordPress database plugin

What makes this tool the best WordPress database plugin is the post revision maintenance feature. You may be required to edit your posts several times before finding the best line when using WordPress. Some of these posts may harm your database in the long run. 

The beauty of this plugin is that it allows users to delete any unnecessary revisions. You can set the plugin to run on a schedule or do it manually. If you wish to retain some of the revisions, all you need to do is exclude them from your list. 

In addition to this specialty, Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions is also a powerful tool for data optimization. It also allows you to run database analysis and get a clue of how your database is performing. The other beauty of this tool is the fact that it supports 15 varied languages.

This tool falls among the best WordPress database plugins for bloggers. It allows you to optimize and clean the entire website within a single click. The process will end up removing all the data garbage from the WordPress website. 

Optimize Data after deleting revisions works in a similar way to WP-Optimize. However, it has more features in comparison to WP-Optimize. Apart from cleaning post revisions, you can use this plugin to clean deleted pages, comments, and posts. 

The other cleaning options it has are trackbacks and pingbacks, among others. You may also create a cleaning log and go through it to picture out how it works. One-click DB click is not compulsory as you can use custom choices to optimize your website. 

Features of Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions 

  • Deleting items in the spam or trash
  • Deleting unused tags 
  • Creating log files for optimizing operations 
  • Removing all the transients or expires, trackbacks, and pingbacks 
  • Optimizing database tables 
  • A one-click feature that simplifies all the operations 

3. WP-DB Manager

the best WordPress Database plugins

Are you shopping for a tool that has a perfect SQL query? WP-DB Manager is one of the best WordPress Database plugins for you. This plugin will create a ‘database’ menu on the dashboard automatically. It means that it will make the customization of your website easy. 

One of the top features of the WP-DB Manager is running the SQL Query. The main requirement of this features is that it needs you to have MySQL knowledge. The plugin allows users to run SQL queries from their WordPress dashboard. 

You could be wondering whether this is an important factor. Your database could be having so many unnecessary tables. When you have access to SQL, you will be able to manipulate these tables with a lot of ease. 

However, it is not advisable to use this feature unless you are familiar with SQL. You don’t want to harm your website while trying to use the WordPress database plugins. The feature can have adverse effects on your precious data. 

Features of WP-DB Manager 

  • Running SQL Query 
  • Repairing of corrupt databases 
  • Database optimization 
  • Managing all the backed up data. You can view the total number of backups and download them. 
  • Backing up of database and scheduling is also available. 

4. Backup and Restore WordPress

Backup and Restore WordPress plugins

Database creation is what makes this tool stand out from the other products that are in the market. Most of the other plugins concentrate on backup and optimization. However, this one has something a bit different from the others. 

WordPress stores its content in tables. These tables only carry WordPress related data like login credentials, posts, and comments. The beauty of this plugin is that it allows users to build a database. 

For instance, you may need a subscription form to collect the user’s personal information. Participants Database will accommodate this function in a perfect way. It explains why we cannot leave this product out of our list of the 10 best WordPress database plugins. 

Features of Backup and Restore WordPress

  • Import and export CSV files for interaction with the other databases 
  • Email notification to all the participants
  • Shortcode for the insertion of a subscription form into posts and pages  
  • Email enhancements, both premium and free
  • Customizable forms
  • Fully configurable databases for all kinds of information 

5. WP-Optimize

best free WordPress database plugins

This tool is an all-in-one plugin that helps in cleaning and managing your WordPress website. WP-Optimize compresses large images and caches sites. WP-Optimize is your answer when looking for the best WordPress plugins that will increase your site’s speed. 

The tool will also enhance the optimization of your website and make it more efficient. WP-Optimize is easy to use and simple. It has all that you need to keep your site clean and optimized. It has one free-plan for all the users and a premium version if your requirements are advanced. 

With the premium version, you will get enhanced reporting and logging, scheduling, and advanced optimization options. The plugin is multi-currency and multilingual compatible. These are reasons enough that will make you choose WP-Optimize over the other searchable database wordpress plugins. The tool has both free and premium options, and you need to choose one as per your demands. 

Features of WP-Optimize 

  • Data retention during clean-up and easy optimization
  • Automatic notifications, clean-ups, and statistics
  • Amazingly easy to use with transient options, pingbacks, comments, drafts, trash, and spam 
  • Restores original functions to optimize images
  • Lossy compress options 
  • Bulk compression
  • Auto-compress function 
  • Caching features such as cache preloading, browser cache, advanced exclude rules, device-specific code, and Gzip compression. 
  • Multi-lingual and multi-currency compatibility 
  • Scheduling 
  • Choice and flexibility 
  • Multi-choice support 

6. Advanced Database Cleaner

best database plugins for wordpress

This WordPress database plugin is clean and has an advanced cleaner, as the name suggests.  If you are using WordPress, your site will become sluggish and bloated over time. It results in a lot of junk in your database. 

Some of them include old revisions, spammy comments, and old drafts. The Advanced Database Cleaner plugin will help you remove all this unnecessary data. You will end up having a clean and well-functioning website. 

The Advanced Database cleaner is not a free plugin. However, the features that come with this tool justify its cost. The tool allows you to optimize any WordPress website and make it lightning fast. 

Features of Advanced Database Cleaner

  • Liberty to select the items you wish to clean
  • Can schedule an automatic cleanup of your database easily. 
  • Increases the speed of your WordPress website significantly 
  • Supports multi-site installations
  • Has a WordPress toolbar menu with quick access and cleanup options. 
  • Its cleanup operation execution utilizes AJAX.
  • Decluttering all statistical data for all the tools that you use.  
  • Keep logs for all SQL queries during the checking and execution of the cleanup. 
  • Easy to import and export WordPress plugin settings 

7. Participants Database

Participants database plugin

Participants database plugin provides the functionality that you need to set up and maintain your website. The plugin can handle data of people of any other thing you could be thinking about. You can enter these records in the admin section of WordPress individually, also allow individuals to create their personal records. 

Participants’ database was designed for an entity to educate and empower voters. The organization had an urgent need to create a database for the voters, volunteers, and supporters, in question.

It gave them the capacity to collect feedback and input, organize volunteers, and use voter education campaigns and petition drives to mobilize the voter constituency. Any organization that wants to build and maintain lists of volunteers, supporters, and constituents could use this plugin. 

You can easily adapt this plugin to work for other databases like catalogs, directories, or indexes. It utilizes a system of customization templates for all the displays. It’s an API for the extension and customization of its capabilities. 

It is a fully internationalized plugin with a set of translations that is ever-growing. The users of the Participants Plugin have access to GDPR compliance information. These are sufficient features to rank the tool among the best WordPress database plugins in the market. 

Features of Participants Database 

  • Customization forms for the collection and maintenance of records. 
  • Shortcode for the insertion of a configurable sigh-up form into the posts and pages of WordPress
  • Once a visitor completes the sign-up form, he will be directed to the reward and thank you message page. 
  • Shortcode for the insertion of a full-length for individuals to fill out and maintain their personal records. 
  • Shortcode for displaying the list on the website and the ability to order and choose columns to display. 
  • Sorting and filtering rules to determine the records to display and in the preferred order. 
  • A shortcode that shows a search form that directs the user to the search results pages. 
  • Email confirmation and notification with a secure, personalized access link. 
  • Notification via email once users edit records 
  • Sortable and searchable record listings in your WordPress admin 
  • Several form elements to select from, including rich text, image upload, radio buttons, checkboxes, and drop boxes.
  • Exporting CSV files for interaction with the other databases, print records, mass email, etc. 
  • Import CSV files to add huge sums of records from spreadsheets like Google Docs and Open Office. 
  • Can organize forms in groups of fields, which eases long forms’ navigation and fill them out. 
  • Has a comprehensive API for the deep customization of the functionality of the plugin. 

8. BackWPup

VaultPress and UpdraftPlus are some of the most powerful database backup tools in the market. The challenge with these two plugins is that they are a bit costly. If you want to do a thorough database backup at no cost, BackWPup is the best WordPress database plugin. 

You get so many features in its free version. It has the premium version that brings even more features your way. You will also get access to support for the whole year when using the free plan. 

The plugin will back up all your WordPress installations and save them in remote storage. BackWPup has smart archive options, several remote storage alternatives, multiple support networks, and many more. The company now has a premium version that is called BackWPup Pro. 

Some of the additional features of the Pro version are backup in Google Drive and Amazon Glacier. It also has to stand alone and encryption apps for emergency restoration. It also supports WordPress XML export. The pro version also has advanced features such as the restore option. It is a tool you will not leave out when shopping for the best searchable database wordpress Plugins in the market. 

Features of BackWPup 

  • Sending backups and logs via email 
  • Flexible storage to GDtive, S3 services, and FTP server 
  • Backup in zip, tar. gt, and tar format 
  • Database optimization: indexing and partitioning data, resizing tables 
  • Database checking and repair 
  • WordPress XML Export 
  • File and database backup

9. Contact Form 7 Database Addon

wordpress disable all plugins from database

Contact Form 7 is one of the most popular WordPress Plugins in the market. As the name suggests, this plugin also has some add-ons on it. The plugin is among the best ways to enhance the functionality of your website. 

It makes your website more powerful and efficient in performing specific tasks. The secret is making sure that the Contact Form 7 Database Addon is what your website needs. It introduces so many capabilities to your website. 

Each ad-on has a different role to play on your website. Depending on the features you would like to have on your website, you will choose one. 

One of the best add-ons or extensions to the Contact 7 plugin is DB Lite. The contact stores all the submission entries that are submitted through Contact form 7. Even if the form’s submission fails or you lose your email, entries in this plugin will be stored safely. 

With this in mind, we can confidently add the tool to our best WordPress database plugins. It is a tool that you can trust if you want the best for your WordPress website. 

Features of Contact Form 7 Database Addon 

  • Fully responsive 
  • WordPress compatible 
  • Translation ready
  • Dedicated support 
  • Allow direct deleting of entries post. 
  • Delete attachments while deleting the entries 
  • Attachment stored in the default WordPress Gallery 
  • Custom type entries 

10. User Login History

deactivate plugins wordpress database

This product comes last on our list of the best Wordpress database cleanup plugins. It helps users to track the login details of users on various attributes. These include login, logout, last seen, login status, online status, and session duration. 

The other criteria include user ID, username, old role, current role, IP address, operating system, browser, country name and code, and time zone. The last two attributes are based on the IP address. 

You can choose the timeline that you prefer to use on the listing table. The plugin has a customizable shortcode to use in your content or template to view the user’s login history who is currently logged in. You may use shortcodes in your content and templates, respectively. The menu plugin has a help page that can help you out. 

The listing table with all the records fetched from the blogs on your current network is in the admin area. The other options are the advanced search filter and the CSV export. 

Features of user Login History 

  • CSV export 
  • Advanced search filter 
  • Multisite network
  • Shortcode
  • Preferable time zone 

Best WordPress Searchable Database Plugins: Buying Guide

The database is a critical element that we cannot ignore when handling and managing websites. All the things that people upload on websites are stored in the database. Over time, these databases grow clunky and become messier. 

Do you already have a plugin for managing your website? This section will help you choose a better option. If you already don’t have one, we will take you through choosing the WordPress searchable database plugin for your site. 

The Importance of WordPress Database Plugins

Your website stores everything that you publish on it in the form of the MySQL database. If all the information disappears from the database, you will not remain with anything more than the domain name. At this point, you will realize the importance of having the best wordpress database cleanup plugins. You will be able to restore your data as long as you have installed the right tool on your database. 

Every website out there has a unique database. The database represents the published and current content of the website online. You need a reliable plugin that will make sure that your data is safe and secure. 

If your eCommerce website loses data, it can result in the loss of potential and existing clients. No one who is in business will want such a thing to come his way. The best way to protect yourself against such risk is by installing the searchable database wordpress plugins on your site. 

Database Plugins for WordPress

A blogging website will be of no use, minus content. It will be of no use to have such a website in place. The plugins will help you achieve the objectives for which you created the website. The WordPress searchable database plugin will make sure that you have a live and safe website in place. Make your choices right if you want to get maximum benefits from these tools. 

The best WordPress database plugins will help you to optimize your website. As a result, it will deliver the requested output every time users visit your website faster. 

These plugins will remove any corrupt or unwanted files and documents. It means that it will provide more space for the database. Go for easy to use plugins that work automatically, and you can safely use them on your database. 

Some of the plugins offer multiple inputs that enhance the performance of your website. The tool will store back all the data you had stored on your database, and hence you will not lose anything. Here are some tips that will help you to get the right product for your website. 

Tips to Choose the Best WordPress Database Plugins 

Before You Begin

The first thing to do is writing down what you exactly want your plugin to do. Create a checklist that has the features you are looking for in a plugin. It is better if you do this in the order of their importance. 

It does not imply that a single plugin should do everything. You can get two WordPress database plugins that work well together. It does not harm to install both of them. The quality of your website is more important than the number of plugins that you install. 

Searching for a Plugin

Most users begin with the WordPress plugin directory. The beauty is that the directory has a long list of plugins to choose from. However, this abundance also makes it hard to single out one product. 

The search feature in the WordPress plugin directory isn’t a sophisticated one. Thus, it is better to use the Google search option or the WP Beginner plugin category. 

To combine both of them, type your KW in Google and add WP beginner towards the end. Combining both of them will help you get the best WordPress custom database plugins. 

You can also browse the popular WordPress plugins from the director. If the plugin is not on the initial two pages of the popular plugins, it is better to search. The directory displays results basing on relevance by default. 

Each search will display the plugin description, rating, name, active installs, author name, and version tested with WordPress. The wordpress searchable database plugin will sound relevant to you. It should have been tested in WordPress recently, have a good rating and a decent volume of active installs. 

Compare Plugins before Installing

After listing several plugins, open the plugin pages in new tabs, and compare their functionality. The WordPress plugin page has information about the plugin, how it works, and how to use it, and many more. This information will help you to single out the best WordPress plugin searchable database. 

The sidebar of the plugin page has crucial info about the plugin. The first part will show the version of the plugin, active installations, and last updated. It will also show the minimum WordPress version you need to run the plugin. 

The active installs and plugin’s last updated date define the searchable database wordpress plugins. The section will also display the versions that have been tested on WordPress. If it does not display the most recent version, there is no need to use it. 

Most authors check their plugins with every new release on WordPress. However, the developer will only update the plugin if there is a need.

The ratings of the plugin are on the sidebar of the plugin page. The rating score is in the number of stars. Most of the searchable database wordpress plugins have a score of 5-star. 

However, we have so many people who use the plugin but don’t take the time to rate it. Therefore, some ratings may not be the actual representation of reality. 

Reviews of the Plugin

Once a user rates a plugin, he will be requested to provide a review of the same. Clicking on the rating bard will reveal these reviews. For instance, if a user-provided a one-star rating, you can click on the star to read the review. It is a justification for the rating that the person provides. You may discover that the user was using the wrong product. 

It is also good to look at the total number of ratings available. For instance, a plugin that has only one or two ratings isn’t a significant number. However, if the reviews are positive, you can still use the plugin. 

Support Overview

The plugin page has a support section that provides a quick overview. It displays the number of support threads that were opened in the last two months for the plugin. It will also show the number of resolved threads from the list. 

Clicking the support tab in your plugin menu bar will display the support threads like the reviews and note that any unresolved threads aren’t an indication that the plugin is problematic. If the plugin has so many unresolved cases, the author hasn’t responded to many concerns. 

It may be a clear indication that the author has no interest. Even though the plugin may still work for you, you may not get the desired support in the long run. The level of support is a great determinant of the best wordpress searchable database plugin. 

Plugin Screenshots

Most plugins have screenshots in the description section of the directory. It will show you how the plugin looks in the front-end and back-end on the WordPress website. Some screenshots are more useful than the real plugin description that can be confusing and lengthy. 

The screenshots will show you how the plugin looks and works. It will tell you whether you need to try it out or not. 

Check FAQs among Other Notes

Also, look at the FAQs section and other notes below each description of the plugin. However, some tools may not have this section. This section has crucial information on how to use the plugin. There is no need to complain that the plugin is non-functional before reading about how to use it. 

As you try a plugin, reading the sections will. The knowledge will help you to configure the tool and utilize it properly on your website. You will also get other cool tips in this place. 

For instance, you may be looking for a plugin that adds a widget. In the process, you may discover that the plugin also offers a template tag that you can use in the theme. It can also provide a shortcode that you can use in pages and posts. 

You can also get advice about the plugin from the author. An example would be the process of adding your own CSS style to the output of the plugin. 

Testing the Plugin

Some plugins reduce the speed of your website. It is an indication that the plugin does not follow the coding standards or is poorly written. 

You can go to speed checking services like Pingdom to check for this problem. Check the speed of the website before you activate the plugin. Note down your results, or you can take the screenshots. 

After this, you can go to the WordPress website and then activate the plugin. After this, also test the speed of your website again. It will help you tell whether you are using the best WordPress searchable database plugin or not. 

If the plugin adds a significant amount of loading time to your website’s speed, try to look for a better option. There is always the best WordPress database plugin for your website in the market. The secret is learning to do your homework well. 

You don’t want to increase your bounce rate because it added a few seconds to the plugin’s loading time. Always make sure that your decision when choosing the best WordPress plugins is the best for your website. 


It is vital to keep your databases healthy and functional. The effectiveness of WordPress Database plugins relies on their usability. It also depends on the period you are actively using your WordPress website. Therefore, the WordPress searchable database plugin depends on how you are using your website. 

Beginners can opt for simple and free WordPress plugins. Some examples include Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions, WP-DB manager, WP-Sweep, and many more. 

However, if you are a regular and active user, it is advisable to choose the paid tools. These could include Clean up Optimizer, WP Cleaner Pro, and WP-Optimize, to name a few. The most important thing is to get the best WordPress database plugins for your website. 

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Mashum Mollah is the founder at ‘Blogstellar’. He is a passionate blogger by heart and an entrepreneur by profession. He is on a mission to help people passionate about blogging transform their passion into full-time businesses. And they call him "Blogging Engineer". Follow him on Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.

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