Rank Math

Reviews and Expert Opinion

Rank Math

By Mashum Mollah

“Rank Math SEO is a search engine optimization plugin for WordPress. The tool makes it very easy for anyone to optimize their content using built-in suggestions bases on widely accepted best practices. The tool makes it very easy for you to customize essential SEO settings and also control those indexable pages, among many other things. Going through the Rank Math review will help you get a clear understanding of this concept.”

Rank Math In-Depth Reviews

5.0Based on 1 reviews
  • Features
  • Performance
  • Ease of Use
  • Support
  • Pricing
Pricing Details
  • Pro Plan $59.00/Year
  • Business Plan $199.00/Year


Rank Math

Rank Math, as said and seen above, is a search engine optimization plugin for WordPress. This tool aims to make it very easy for anyone who intends to optimize the use of built-in suggestions based on accepted practices. 

This is the newest search engine optimization that was developed by MyThemeShop. The tool comes with the best amazing mouth-watering features amazingly for free.

In fact, it will surprise you to know that Rank Math over 85% of Yoast features for free. That is not all; Rank Math also allows you as its user to use up to 5 keywords on a single post free of charge. 

This is what we intend to look at in this text. We firmly believe that this is one of the best search engine optimization plugin tools for WordPress, and we shall prove why this is the case later on.

Being a search engine optimization plugin for WordPress is one tool that you definitely are going to like. You can get more insights by reading this Rank Math Review.

What is Rank Math?

Not defined that yet, well we shall. In the simplest terms possible, Rank Math is a famous SEO plugin that works for WordPress-based websites. It has also been taking over other SEO optimizing applications and plugins as well.

If you are looking for the best way to optimize your general web content and need a plugin that will work wonders for you, then this is what you need to go for. 

For a person who is so much into search engine optimization, plugin rank math is one thing that you need to consider. Now, if you have never heard of it in the past, then chances are, you are asking really what Rank Math is what exactly makes it a better WordPress tool compared to the others.

It remains to be one of the best SEO plugins in the market. The insights that you get from this will surely take your SEO efforts to the next level. Our Rank Math review will still give you more insights into this subject matter.

Features (4.9/5)


One of the most talked-about giving of the Rank Math plugin, which makes it one of the best we have around, is the features this plugin comes with. It is one of the best you will ever find anywhere in terms of features.

In fact, a good number of the people who use this plugin will tell you that its features are something you have never seen before. For a person who is still skeptical about these features, this is why we are here.

We need to take time and keenly look at some of these features one by one and give you the best experience of them all. 

The good thing is that RankMath comes with so many features, but unfortunately, we cannot look at all of them at once. Instead, we are only going to major on those that we feel you need to know most.

In the end, we hope you will have the best insight into what features Rank Math comes with why you need to use this plugin if at all features are something you need to go with.

Identification of Errors

This is the first feature we intend to look at as per the Rank Math features; it is undoubtedly one of the best and perhaps an indication that Rank Math comes with some of the best features we have around.

This simple version or feature helps you to identify error 404 in the system and then provides you with an in-depth analysis of how the error came about or occurred. 

If you are lucky to have a much better or detailed version of the plugin, then it might help you to even know when the error came about and help you with ways that you can use to fix it.

Given the nuisance that error 404 causes, you will agree that this is such a wonderful feature and one of the best features around WordPress plugins. It is a feature that we cannot leave out in this RankMath review. 

XML Sitemap

Talk of the extreme feature of Rank Math, and this is it. This is an essential feature of Rank Math, generated automatically by RankMath for your own website. Given that the feature is generated by Rank Math means that it gives you the power to alter it.

Sitemaps make it possible for your search engine to index your webpages, while Rank Math ensures that Sitemap is up to date and which pages need to be part of it and which ones do not need to.

Given this feature’s capability, we cannot help but affirm that it is one of the best we have around and forms why Rank Math SEO is one of the best plugins in the modern-day world.

The schema for Rich Results 

If there is any additional information required by the search engine for the optimized Rank Math Ranking plugin, then your webpage that information will be provided by the schema.

We have so many schema types, all of which can be altered by going into settings. Some of these popular types are as follows—article schema, Recipe schema, How to schema, Local business schema, among many others. 

The good thing about schema is that it allows you to alter your product and service requirements or what you need to display on your webpage.

Again, as you can see, this is one of Rank Math’s best features that makes Rank Math one of the best plugins we have around for use. 

Notifies the Search Engines (Pinging)

Rank Math comes with automatically notifying the search engines after any updates or even the addition of other new posts. This is one top benefit as it will save you many hassles that you would have used to carry out these processes. 

In the professional world, this process is known as PINGING, and it comes with two main uses: more website traffic and quick indexing. This, as you can see, is also another great benefit of Rank Math and has so much to offer when looked at it in many dimensions. 

Search Engine Optimization (Auto Image SEO)

Images form an essential part of any web content. SEO optimized images are even more important, perhaps more important than you can even think of.

Rank Math comes with the ability to Title and ALT all the images without changing them.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO Analysis Tool)

This tool assesses and analyzes your website by considering the 40 factors that matter so much in SEO ranking.

Just in case we have any further requirements needed, the tool will also give you advice on ways that you can use to improve SEO performance on your webpage.

Search Engine Optimization (Local SEO)

Just by a simple act of detailing your business and services, like the name number and address, all the metadata required to make this possible will be updated on the website.

Doing this will make it very easy for your users to find you more easily and effectively and improve your web ranking. 

Search Engine Optimization (Custom SEO Settings)

Different SEO settings for individual posts are elementary; Rank Math makes it easy to change default settings for your individual posts more easily.

This is another one of Rank Math features, making it very easy for you to do some things. 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO Importer)

You might have all the reasons to switch from Yoast SEO. If this is what you intend to do, then SEO importer got your back as well. With this tool, the plugin will import all your SEO settings and later configure them in the Rank math account. 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO Meta Box)

This is yet another tool that enables meta information of author profiles for much more leads. It also optimizes the category pages with meta boxes to welcome more traffic in the end. 

Set-Up Wizard

Rank Math is elementary to set up the plugin. In fact, the plugin literally configures itself. The plugin features a step-by-step installation and a configuration wizard that sets up the SEO for WordPress perfectly.

Given some of the challenges that people face while setting up some of these WordPress plugins, we can all agree that this is one major feature of the Rank Math pro review.

Google Keyword Ranking

You do not get this kind of a feature from all the plugins; only very few come with it. With Google keyword ranking, it is very much easier for you to track all your keywords rankings in Google, which helps you know which ones your keywords are performing.

Pre-Selected Optimal Settings

The process of configuring the SEO plugin takes a lot of time, and that is not all; it can also be very confusing. However, in Rank Math, you have a solution as it saves you a lot of trouble with the many optimal default settings that it has. These settings are ideal for most websites, and in case of need, they can also be changed depending on the user’s preferences.

LSI Keyword Tool Integrated

If you are looking for multiple keyword variations for your keyword focus, then this feature is here for you. We have the Rank Math integrated LSI keyword search tool, which gives users multiple variations of keywords for the focus keyword. In turn, the tool helps in attracting more traffic to your posts, even in free accounts. 

Advanced SEO Analysis Tool

With just a single and simple click, Rank Math will perform SEO audits of your website. Doing this will save you the time of going through the other processes to make this process a success. The goal here is to help you carry out this process very fast and in a much easier way. 

Module Based System

Rank Math’s design is so that it is a module-based system with each capable of being enabled or disabled as per your needs. This is so essential as it offers you more speed as well as control in some cases. 

Smart Redirection Manager

If you are looking to create, manage, enable, or even disable redirects at scale, then this is the feature you need. Rank Math comes with an inbuilt smart redirection manager, which will help you make all this possible.

This again is essential when looked at in terms of time-saving where you will save so much time being able to carry out these processes in a much easier way. 

SEO Optimized Breadcrumbs

The RankMath plugin can display SEO Optimized breadcrumbs on all the websites. This is the case even when the theme does not support schema.org coding. 

Internal Linking Suggestions

Rank Math also intelligently suggests other posts from your website. This is done with the view of internal linking from your existing posts. This, therefore, improves your chances of ranking higher in the SERPs.

Role Manager

This is also another essential component of Rank Math as it helps you assess and manage your employees’ role on your website. Even if you have many employees managing your website, you can still precisely control what each of these employees has to access Rank Math using its role manager. 

This is one excellent feature that makes it possible for you to easily manage your employees’ roles, making sure that no one among them overlaps with the other. Other than that, the tool also helps you keep your employees well within the right limits, ensuring that we have coordinated working. 

Multisite Ready

Whether you run a single WordPress website or even, in some cases, an entire network of sites, Rank Math is ready for you. Rank math fully supports multiple WordPress user projects.

Local Business SEO

Rank Math’s design makes it easy and possible to be used by global websites and local websites. With a host of local features, local sites stand out and attract more traffic in the end.

30 Detailed SEO Tests

The Rank Math tool is completely designed to supercharge your website SEO using its 30 highly-detailed tests for SEO. However, you need to have a free account to use this feature, which is the sole requirement. 

Add Overlay Icons on Social Images

Rank Math gives social thumbnails click magnets by offering you that option of overlaying a GIF or, if not that, then a video icon on the thumbnail.

Intuitive User Interface

This is one of the top benefits of Rank Math plugin review as a search engine optimization plugin. Many people who have used this plugin will tell you that it is very much easier to get around than Yoast as it is an all-in-one SEO. 

Quick to Set Up

As you know, it is always not so easy to set up any search engine optimization plugin. Some come with way more complicated setup processes, but fortunately, Rank Math is not one of them. This one is easy to set up as it comes with an easy set up the implementation process.

Keyword Comparison Tool

This is yet another thing that makes Rank Math one of the best search engine optimization plugins we have around. The plugin comes with a keyword comparison tool, which eliminates the hassles of using multiple tools to find keywords when you need them. 

The Best Support Services

Rank Math might not have the best support services, but it is good and much better than other such platforms. Many people observe this support system because it is perfect, quick to respond when you need help. 

This means that when you use Rank Math, the chances of getting help when you need it are very high. This means that there is no chance or possibility that you will be inconvenienced when you look for help from Rank Math. 

It’s Free

Rank Math itself might not be absolutely free, but it comes with some free versions, just as good as the paid-for versions. Even for the paid versions, you will find them less costly if you compare what they offer you and how much you pay for them. 

Site Audit

Rank Math comes with a WordPress dashboard, which helps you find weak SEO implementations and errors. This dashboard helps you avoid using so much time to manually find these errors in many cases. 

Conflicts with Other Plugins

There is an excellent chance the plugin will get into some kind of conflict with other plugins. The reason for this is straightforward, and that is because the plugin is still very new. Thus, there are so many things that are likely to spark a conflict between it and other plugins.

Rank Math Premium

The free plugin is bound not to sustain. One thing about Rank Math’s free plugin business model is that it is not bound to sustain. This means that when using it, you are likely to shift to rank math premium plans whether you like it or not. 

Those are some of the features that you get when you opt to use Rank Math. Clearly, we can say that Rank Math is undoubtedly the best plugin you can find around from the features above. These features make its use easy and amazing simultaneously as they even come with processes on how to use rank math. 

There are so many others, but at the moment, we feel those ones are enough. In this section, we sought to show and prove to you why Rank Math is the best plugin we have around, and the evidence we can give for that is the kind of features the plugin comes with.

Performance (4.8/5)

Rank Math plugin

Now that we have looked at all the Rank Math features, it is essential that we also take time to look at its performance and see how it fairs on when compared to other plugins.

In this segment, we intend to majorly focus on Rank Math performance and also see if really it is a better plugin and worth the hype or not. When it comes to performance, some things have to be looked at that help determine if good enough or not.

One of these things is the speed of the plugin, which is a very essential consideration. When it comes to RankMath, we can say that there has been a massive speed improvement compared to the other plugins. 

However, even if this is the case, we note that on the issue of performance and specifically the speed, there is still so much that has to be done to make things right.

With so many expectations from the users with a good number of features, it can only be said that Rank Math still has the potential to do better in terms of performance. It is a feature that really stands out in our Rank Math Review.

Ease of Use (4.5/5)

Rank Math SEO

Another important thing to note when going through the Rank How easy is it to use Rank Math? We are certain this is the next question you are asking yourself.

It is easy to use Rank Math, or it’s not. To be fair, the answer to this question depends so much on what you are doing as a person. 

There are times when you might feel like it is an easy thing to do, while in others, it might not. Basically, the ease of use of Rank Math depends so much on what an individual is doing.

However, with so many features on this plugin, we can only say that plugin relatively to use. These features aim to make sure that Rank Math is an easy and seamless one.

Given these features, we can only say and conclude that Rank Math is relatively easy to use, given that it even comes with a rank math tutorial.

This conclusion is derived from Rank Math’s performance and supported by its immense features, making it much easier to use.

Therefore, it is not hard to use Rank Math, even if you are a beginner. The platform has a user-friendly interface that you will really find easy to use.

You will surely find a capability when you choose to use Rank Math for your SEO efforts. 

Support (4.6/5)

One of the things that you cannot deny is that WordPress comes with many challenges. In fact, you will never be able to tell when these challenges will come in.

In such a case or even, it is essential to try much as you can and see to it that you get help soon. Only such a plugin platform will make it easy for you to get help when you need it. For Rank Math, the case is not any different.

If you intend to use this platform, you need to take time and understand the kind of support services you will get here, be they good or bad. To be honest with you, we have no SEO plugin on WordPress that comes with the best support services.

Customer support services are supposed to be convenient and fast, which is never the case on some plugins. Even though most of them have made efforts to offer the best customer support services.

We still have a long way to go before reaching that point, where we shall firmly say the WordPress plugins have the best customer support platforms. Nonetheless, Rank Math has tried so much compared to other plugins to see that they offer top of the line customer support services.

The plugin offers a myriad of means to get support services when they need them, ranging from calls, emails, texts, and all those. That said, if you need help on this plugin, then chances are you are going to get it within the shortest period of time.

There are times when things might delay a bit, but that is always not the case. In general, we can say that the customer support services on Rank Math are fair. 

Pricing (4.7/5)

Rank Math Pricing

We have talked so much about Rank Math, but there is one thing that we have not mentioned, which is the pricing. You must by now be asking just how much it cost to use Rank Math and how it compares to rank math WooCommerce.

This is what we intend to look at in this article. We need to see the maximum amount of money you are likely to pay for the use of Rank Math and for what features.

Rank Math comes with various payment options, ranging from 59 dollars minimum per year, exclusive of VAT. This package allows you to access unlimited websites and also track 500 keywords.

On top of that, you also get a potent schema generator and a 24/7 support service, making sure that nothing is wrong on your end. 

This package is renewable at just 59 dollars per year. This is the best place you can start from even as you look to progress on top levels, for starters. 

Apart from this package, we also have another one for the business. This is suitable for those freelancers and begins at $ 199 per year exclusive of VAT.

With this package, you get immense support for your client’s website when you need it most. You also get other benefits like tracking 10 000 keywords and having access to a potent schema generator.

The good thing with this package is that you get 24/7 priority support from the customer care unit. The priority means that you can get help from the customer care team any time you need it without failure. 

Rank Math Pricing Details
Rank Math Plan Keyword Rank Tracker Tracked keywords Days to Preserve Google Data Image SEO PRO View Details
Free Plan NA NA 90 Days NA Click here
Pro Plan Yes 500 180 Days Yes Click here
Business Plan Yes 10000 No Limit Yes Click here

User Reviews


Big Fan of Rank Math SEO Plugin

I\'m a big fan of the Rank Math SEO Plugin & utilizing it on all my WordPress websites. The pro version looks great, buying this soon. Thanks,
January 12, 2021
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Bottom line

Rank Math is one of the best plugins we have out there, albeit it is still new despite there being a severe debate about Rank Math vs Yoast regarding which one is the best.

Its popularity continues to increase with every passing day, and as such, we can only expect that it can only get better in the days to come. For a person who is just getting started with your blog, Rank Math is the next thing you need to install right away. 

This plugin comes with some of the best features that you cannot find in any other place, making it one of the best plugins we have out there currently.

It is also coming with the best customer support services meaning if you have a problem at any given time, it will be attended to soon and sorted out. Therefore, if you are looking for the best SEO tool, the Rank Math review tells you that it is definitely one of them.

Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah has been there in the blogging industry for over a decade. He has always believed that blogging holds the most potential in the digital marketing industry. With years of research, he has created some of his best blogging practices, which have helped him establish himself in the industry as a Blogging Engineer. Now he is on a mission to help others and spread the concept of Blogging Engineer.